
Utvalgte produkter/Selected products

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Selected products from this vendor are presented on this page, with my assessments where I have personal experiences to share. The links are primarily directed to the vendor’s own pages, in English; for local pages/prices you will have to conduct your own search.

About the vendor and its products

Gledopto is det another Chinese company derivering products for the smart home, in this company’s case limited to lighting products. Some relevante products are:

  • Smart bulbs, with different sockets and specifications, where it is worth noticing that one rather unique bulb is part of the product range, one with an MR16/GU5.3 socket and based on Zigbee

  • Smart lamps, in different version, both for indoor and outdoor use

  • Smart light strip

  • Smart relays for installation in wall boxes

  • Different types of light control, both remote controls and control boxes

Most of the products use Zigbee as communication platform, with the exception of a couple of variants based on WiFi. The downside of Zigbee in this case is that there is no dedicated base station on offer from Gledopto so one has to get or have a suitable one aside from the lighting products. The advantage is that the products are compatible with both Phillips Hue bridges, SmartThings, Homey, etc., so if you have one of these from before, you only need the light sources themselves.

Our experiences

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Component Room Experiences

MR16 smart bulb x 3


We are very pleased with these bulbs. They replaced a similar type from Smart Life, but those were based on WiFi and had to be integrated into Apple Home via Homebridge and based on Tuya Cloud. This was an unstable solution and we therefore got these, which are connected to Homey and from there to Apple Home, which works very well. The bulbs can be adjusted to millions of colors, and the only negative factor is that the max light intensity is 250 lumen.